the one-of-a-kind gallery and experience the fascinating Lillian Todaro collection of Award-winning
art as Jewelry - Bead Sculptures.
"My contemporary art jewelry reflects 35 years of my passionate involvement in the
creative process, of countless inspirations, and of endless hours, days, and late nights
dedicated to a self-teaching art form," Lilly says.
Lillian Todaro is an artist whose medium is beads and crosses lines others may not. "Beads
speak to me; they fascinate me with their dazzling beauty and abundant variety. I use beads
and stones that I have collected all my life to make my uniquely complex sculptures. Each
sculpture is an individual that tells a story intricately detailed with color, texture,
composition and structure."
As no two pieces are alike and are a true wearable form of art that you too,
should own and treasure one of your own from the Lillian Todaro Collections.
Also uses our fine Japanese seed beads selected for matched size and brilliant,
consistent color. Woven with our special 4-ply nylon thread - warranteed not to break.(*see
warranty for details).
Many works are signed by the artist and all include your Certificate
of Authenticity.
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